How can I buy NFTs
It's possible to buy NFTs through two payment methods:
Crypto Wallet (Pera Wallet) or Pix (like Venmo in Brazil)
Once you buy throug Pera Wallet, the NFT goes directly to your wallet, if you buy via Pix, the NFT stay in the Musii Wallet, but available to be trasfered to your wallet when you want.
To withdraw your NFT (purchased via Pix) to your wallet just follow the next steps:
Login to your account you bought your NFT
Click in "Profile"
Click in "Connect Wallet" (if you dont have a Pera Wallet, clik here to undestand how to do it)
Once connected in your wallet, click in "My NFTs"
Click on the NFT you want to redeem and then "Withdraw"
Last updated